Friday, February 5, 2010

Half a Lyric.....Testimony

So last night, I was trying to go to bed early (11:30 ish) and I couldn't. I was sort of just thinking and praying for a while and the lyrics,
{I get lost in Your eyes, and found in Your love}
popped in my head with a melody. I kept repeating it in my head and eventually I knew I wouldn't fall asleep anytime soon, so I took my guitar and journal down to the prayer room and waited to see if more would come. I got to
{I get lost in Your eyes, and found in Your love
Wrecked by Your grace, and saved by your beauty
There is no one else like You}
I was a little frustrated that I wasn't getting any verses or anything else for this song. I was using precious hours of sleep! i thought to myself vaguely.
I learned last night that sometimes He has to use different methods to get me to "come away with Him". I probably wouldn't have spent that little time with Him if He had just whispered..."Get up! I want tell you something..." as lame as that sounds. I probably would have just said, "You can tell me from here if it's important!" :)But he knows how songs get to my heart! :) I love how funny He is. It was a sweet half hour or so with the Lord that I wouldn't have gotten had I stayed in bed. And, I realized that even if the song doesn't come to fruition, the words were meaningful to me at that point in time, and the Lord was blessed just by me singing that little chorus over and over.

Prayer Request: God has put it strongly on my heart to share my testimony with my house (at our mon. night meeting). The last few testimonies have been very vulnerable, very powerful-girls sharing very deep and hard things, confessing things for the first time...and each time I knew I was supposed to as well. I REALLY am not wanting to right now, especially as I will be sharing sins and other parts of my life that are hard to talk about, in front of 46 other girls. But I know that if I want those areas of my life to be healed, I need to "confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." I know that all the girls are so full of grace, and they will still love and accept me the same, but even if they didn't my prayer is that I would put transparency above a good reputation. I think I will be giving it Mon. Feb 22. Please just pray that the Lord would be preparing me until that time, giving me wisdom and things I need to say or leave out, and giving me peace, freedom and joy.
Thank you so much! I appreciate all your prayers, and am thankful that the Lord hears them.


  1. Beautiful, my friend. Stay in peace. Look at Jesus in these days preceding your testimony. Your testimony is all about Jesus, not all about your sin, even when we talk about our struggle with sin. Your testimony is the victory of Jesus in the midst of your struggle. So be bold, be transparent and remember, it is all for the glory of Jesus! I LOVE YOU!

  2. Ditto what Em said. I'm glad I accidentally called you today. :)
