Every Friday, a bunch of us go in front of the library (on campus) and do these dramas. I'm hoping the above link works so you can get a little taste of it...this is from last year.
Honestly, doing it for over a year now, we have not seen much visible fruit from it. {The dramas, if you don't know, are done to different songs that display the gospel}
However, many, many people have seen/see them. We do them faithfully for the Lord because we never know how many seeds are being planted in people, and we know the Spirit works in mysterious ways. We are also open to praying healing for people as they walk by and are making a more conscious effort to listen to the Spirit when opportunities arise. Today, two different guys who didn't appear to be believers came up to us to tell us how cool it was/what a great job we did. I firmly believe that hearts are softening and that the harvest is ripe. I believe there are so many people that are willing to seek Him and receive from Him if only they get a little whiff, a little nudge.
Please keep us in your prayers if you remember!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Two Things
I'm grateful for in the spiritual realm that aren't true in reality:
1) An open door to God's presence. I realize I spend lots of time entering in codes to get into my house, spouting off ID numbers to get into the gym, or on the computer to get to email, facebook, Blackboard (the school system), etc. Passwords to get into EVERYTHING it seems! But Jesus tells us in Hebrews 10:19-20, "And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place." COOL! It seems like to have access to this glorious place would require a significant password. But even though I don't deserve it, I can enter the throne time at ANY point in time I wish. My wish is that I would want to be in that place more and more. But then again, it DOESN'T really surprise me, because HE IS Jesus, and as He strongly desires us to be in a flowing, growing relationship, he gives me the chance to seek Him at any given time. Wow.
2) Relating to #1, the ability to consume more and more of Him. I just went to Winco and got some delcious groceries. Not having healthy snack food/weekend food for a while, today I just wanted to eat everything, at least a little bit of everything. But I know that if I did that, the food wouldn't spread out as long and I can't afford that. I am soo grateful that He never runs out, and that His desire IS for me to partake more, just like in Esther 1:8, "By edict of the king, no limits were placed on the drinking, for the king had instructed all his palace officials to serve each man as much as he wanted." We don't have to worry about there not being more of His surprise, blessings, love, provision, joy, ETC or having to "spread it out" when we do encounter it.
An old song lyric that has been running through my head:
.....{Lord, You have my heart, and I will search for Yours}.......
I love knowing that God is a jealous God. I love that God puts jealousy in my own life so that I can see a glimpse of his jealousy for me. It makes me sad that people..myself included at times.. can't see that goodness in the Lord's jealousy, especially when reading the Old Testament. But it is all out of love.
Well, after that little rabbit trail, I hope you have a glorious day and hope you partake more and more of Jesus without end!
1) An open door to God's presence. I realize I spend lots of time entering in codes to get into my house, spouting off ID numbers to get into the gym, or on the computer to get to email, facebook, Blackboard (the school system), etc. Passwords to get into EVERYTHING it seems! But Jesus tells us in Hebrews 10:19-20, "And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place." COOL! It seems like to have access to this glorious place would require a significant password. But even though I don't deserve it, I can enter the throne time at ANY point in time I wish. My wish is that I would want to be in that place more and more. But then again, it DOESN'T really surprise me, because HE IS Jesus, and as He strongly desires us to be in a flowing, growing relationship, he gives me the chance to seek Him at any given time. Wow.
2) Relating to #1, the ability to consume more and more of Him. I just went to Winco and got some delcious groceries. Not having healthy snack food/weekend food for a while, today I just wanted to eat everything, at least a little bit of everything. But I know that if I did that, the food wouldn't spread out as long and I can't afford that. I am soo grateful that He never runs out, and that His desire IS for me to partake more, just like in Esther 1:8, "By edict of the king, no limits were placed on the drinking, for the king had instructed all his palace officials to serve each man as much as he wanted." We don't have to worry about there not being more of His surprise, blessings, love, provision, joy, ETC or having to "spread it out" when we do encounter it.
An old song lyric that has been running through my head:
.....{Lord, You have my heart, and I will search for Yours}.......
I love knowing that God is a jealous God. I love that God puts jealousy in my own life so that I can see a glimpse of his jealousy for me. It makes me sad that people..myself included at times.. can't see that goodness in the Lord's jealousy, especially when reading the Old Testament. But it is all out of love.
Well, after that little rabbit trail, I hope you have a glorious day and hope you partake more and more of Jesus without end!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Practically Speaking

I spend a LOT of time walking up and down stairs here at OSU. Stairwells always make me kind of depressed; maybe because I'm dreading the next class I have to go to, or they wipe me out (ha), or I just feel isolated from everyone walking by me. Whatever the case, I probably spend an average of 15 minutes just walking up the stairs each day. (Staircases here are not QUITE as gloomy as the one shown, but that's kind of how I feel). Maybe I don't like staircases because I feel like I have to go, go, go, and it seems impossible to stop and shed light on someone's day. It feels like an endless cycle.
Sometimes, metaphorically, I just feel like I'm walking up and down stairs, and not really getting anywhere. Or stopping anywhere. I feel I am inadequate to fulfill my biggest heart's desire, to love God with all my heart, and to love my NEIGHBOR as I do myself. That's one part that is SO hard being in a secular, very very dark environment. There is SO much darkness that I have to constantly pray for joy and worship Jesus or else I'll fall apart!
I have been hearing Matthew 5:16 in my head for a while now: {In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.} I want to talk less and listen more. I want what I say to be gracious and attactive. I want to treat each person I encounter like the one.
How do I give a whiff of Jesus to my astronomy lab teacher, a bald woman who has cancer and is undergoing chemo and radiation? Or the more awkward guys in my swing dancing class? Or the students to my left in right in Spanish and German?
I want to be so drenched in His presence that I can't help but give some off when I talk to people...or even just send them a smile. I think I have been waiting for huge opportunities when Jesus really just wants me to recognize the small moments when I can give Him glory.
Well I must go to class now. Have a blessed day!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Hello Dear Friends....
well, welcome to my new blog, which I decided to start up for a fresh start and to try to capture more of the daily/little things in my life instead of blogging a ton over the span of 11 years! Well, maybe not 11 years....:) I am truly going to be better about blogging more so keep checking back in!
This is a little daunting because there is SO much I want to share with the world that I have been learning, and I don't even know where to start. BUT I will give it another shot!
MY LIFE NOW IN A {big} nutshell:
I am in a GOOD place. A place that consists of a lot of healing, tears, and convictions, but also a place where I am seeing the Lord's love, goodness and creativity abound. Like the song says, "the more I seek Him, the more I find Him. The more I find Him, the more I love Him." I have also noticed that "the more I love Him, the more I trust Him."
Previously I have not really shared my world of being single. I want to start opening it up more because I a)am really starting to relish this time and want to encourage others in it b)have been convicted the past few months of WHY have been/am single right now c)want to share my struggles and joys d)would like you to know how to pray if you feel led :)
I am currently reading a book called "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy, and it is changing my world. In short, it is making me so thankful for the purity that I have and the way the Lord has and is protecting me, relieved that if I let Him "have the pen to my love story" I will not be disappointed, amazed that He has only my best interests in mind, and so trusting that He can and will give me above and beyond what I had in mind.
A key process is happening in my singleness now, and that is {finding ALL of my satisfaction, joy and security in the Lord, and letting Him become the center of my life, in all that I say and do} WOW. This is such a big one and one I believe I can improve on for the rest of my time on earth.
Sorry to be jumping around, but when I mentioned above, "the more I love Him, the more I trust Him" it was because of my previous mistrust in the Lord that I subconsciously harbored. I felt that because nothing had/has ever happened to me in the romantic realm, that deep down maybe He wanted me to be miserable or that maybe I was doing something wrong. But now He has revealed so much to me, and I am so confident that He has great plans for me, no matter what. I am aware of His heart for me, so full of love and so wanting to pour out blessings. I am in a place of trust. I am also just falling SOOO deeply in love with Him to a place I've never been. It's incredible! It is a joy to serve Him and love Him and can't wait for our relationship to grow and grow. I am SO grateful for who He is, and know that I don't deserve a bit of it.
Anyways, sorry this was a little longer, but please keep peeking in to hear the latest and greatest! (or not so greatest)
Love and blessings,
well, welcome to my new blog, which I decided to start up for a fresh start and to try to capture more of the daily/little things in my life instead of blogging a ton over the span of 11 years! Well, maybe not 11 years....:) I am truly going to be better about blogging more so keep checking back in!
This is a little daunting because there is SO much I want to share with the world that I have been learning, and I don't even know where to start. BUT I will give it another shot!
MY LIFE NOW IN A {big} nutshell:
I am in a GOOD place. A place that consists of a lot of healing, tears, and convictions, but also a place where I am seeing the Lord's love, goodness and creativity abound. Like the song says, "the more I seek Him, the more I find Him. The more I find Him, the more I love Him." I have also noticed that "the more I love Him, the more I trust Him."
Previously I have not really shared my world of being single. I want to start opening it up more because I a)am really starting to relish this time and want to encourage others in it b)have been convicted the past few months of WHY have been/am single right now c)want to share my struggles and joys d)would like you to know how to pray if you feel led :)
I am currently reading a book called "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy, and it is changing my world. In short, it is making me so thankful for the purity that I have and the way the Lord has and is protecting me, relieved that if I let Him "have the pen to my love story" I will not be disappointed, amazed that He has only my best interests in mind, and so trusting that He can and will give me above and beyond what I had in mind.
A key process is happening in my singleness now, and that is {finding ALL of my satisfaction, joy and security in the Lord, and letting Him become the center of my life, in all that I say and do} WOW. This is such a big one and one I believe I can improve on for the rest of my time on earth.
Sorry to be jumping around, but when I mentioned above, "the more I love Him, the more I trust Him" it was because of my previous mistrust in the Lord that I subconsciously harbored. I felt that because nothing had/has ever happened to me in the romantic realm, that deep down maybe He wanted me to be miserable or that maybe I was doing something wrong. But now He has revealed so much to me, and I am so confident that He has great plans for me, no matter what. I am aware of His heart for me, so full of love and so wanting to pour out blessings. I am in a place of trust. I am also just falling SOOO deeply in love with Him to a place I've never been. It's incredible! It is a joy to serve Him and love Him and can't wait for our relationship to grow and grow. I am SO grateful for who He is, and know that I don't deserve a bit of it.
Anyways, sorry this was a little longer, but please keep peeking in to hear the latest and greatest! (or not so greatest)
Love and blessings,
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