Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It is true...I am back!
Back to blogging, that is. Sorry I haven't written in forever, I'm finally slowing down to where I can even remotely think about it.
There has been so much good stuff going on spiritually, especially that happened in Costa Rica, and of course things that I wish weren't still apart of my life. Sorry that was really vague--I will explain when I have some more time.

One quick fun thing...remember my aunt Megan who after years of trying to conceive, after 4 rounds of in vitro, with a 1% chance of making it got pregnant, well she and my uncle and cousin Bjorn (now 10) just visited and it almost brought me to tears to see such a living miracle. She is about 6 months pregnant with a perfectly healthy girl named Mia. My heart has been overflowing just from this news alone. I am grieving that they live so far away (Wheaton, IL), but still rejoicing that I will get to be a part of her life and that she will be such a blessing to her family. Hopefully she can be my flower girl someday :)

Us with my cousin/best friend Milly

I gotta get going to bed but thanks for your prayers, I always appreciate them, and i will be updating more soon. Love you guys,

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! I can't believe how much you and Milly look alike! Love you and praying for you,
