Well, in a nutshell, Jesus is GOOD! If you know what I mean!
Thank you so much for praying about my testimony. The Lord flashed down His awesome supernatural rays of peace and freedom and He let me be BOLD and TRANSPARENT (the 2 words He gave me for this year) and say exactly what I needed to say. I was nervous for about 10 seconds and as soon as I started I was able to look all of the 46 girls in the eyes and not be discouraged. THAT is the Holy Spirit in me!
One of the girls in my house is awesome and sends super right-on mass verse texts every day and this is the one she sent the day I gave my testimony (her completely forgetting about my testimony later):
{"But Moses pleaded with the Lord, 'O Lord, I'm not very good with words. I never have been, and I'm not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue tied, and my words get tangled'. Then the Lord asked Moses, 'Who makes a person's mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say." -Ex. 4:10-11}
It was so cool hearing my story as I spoke it. I never thought it was anything special or unique until I gave it. I am blown away by the places the Lord has brought me to...and the theme throughout my story was PROTECTOR and friend. He has protected me in so many ways that I can't see until now, and that He has always been my constant companion and bestest friend.
I spoke of the great things God has done...and how He has redeemed/is redeeming the ugly parts of my life. It feels so good (mainly afterwards) to be so transparent, especially as the worship leader and a small group leader. I feel afterwards I had such huge weights lifted off of me and that He was weeping with joy. Now what the Lord is working in me is to reflect a
humble love
that comes from Him alone, that was the root of Him dying for us.
After my story, I have gotten a chance to have some real good conversations with the girls. One of my own roommates told me that "we needed to talk" and we went out on a date where she spilled some deep isues-stones unturned- and we got to see God's hand of redemption move.
I could talk for hours about how the Lord is moving in our house and unifying us, and the work of repentance he's churning in us. It's also exciting as we're almost finished with determining management for next year and how the Lord has confirmed so many things through so many people and how cool He is.
I am in such a good-restful-joyful-peaceful place right now. Praise the Lord.
Well, now on to my Spanish presentation that's due tmro....:)
Thanks for reading. Love you guys!