Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Official

I'm going to Costa Rica for study abroad!!!
This June 17-August 1. Pretty crazy stuff. I don't have words, I'm so excited.

Also...I leave for Mexico in 2 days! Please be praying. I am also SUPER stoked for this.
It has been so cool to see Him provide for me in the last few weeks, it's so nice to see Him be Jehovah Jireh. I think sometimes He likes to mock my little faith by His great acts so I can trust Him again. Thanks for praying for my finances--I am learning to live day by day and though it is stressful at times--I am never shaken by it cuz I know Who owns the world!

Well, I am studying for my one and only final tomorrow..astronomy..:( I don't think my study habits will ever change...night before it is!! I still find it amusing that the Lord would bring me to college..knowing my level of motivation! But I am happy to say that I am super content being here even if I get a C in a class like astronomy! I am still loved the same by Him and He is pleased with my effort.
I will admit, I have had some hard days recently where I just want OUT of here and INTO where I belong...and orphanage in Mexico, Bolivia, loving on the poor...apparently He has more lessons to ingrain in me here! He is bringing me back to lessons I've already learned, which sometimes makes me frustrated-but it is good for me. I have to refocus myself on the HERE and the NOW and what God has in store at THIS season of my life.

However, I don't think I'll miss late night studying for pointless classes! :)

1 comment:

  1. WOOOOOO HOOOOO! I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE JESUS!!! I am so thrilled for you about Mexico and Costa Rica! Praying!
