This is kind of embarassing, but I have a natural tendency to just wanna quit sometimes.
Like earlier this year when I dropped the GEO 300 class because that first paper was just too much for me and I was too overwhelmed. Drop Class CLICK! :)
And how I felt today when I walked out of that building after taking the CBEST (one of the tests to get my teaching license) with the knowledge that I have to retake the math portion. I literally thought to myself--am I really smart enough to be a teacher? Am I being ridiculous, should I choose something else? Am I hearing right from God? I HATE MATH! It's one of those stories I can picture telling to my daughter when she's older and going through something similar, and I tell her, "Sometimes, you just have to stick with it, even though it's not fun or is worth it in the end."
So I am gritting my teeth and retaking the math part on April 9th (which is NON-CALCULATOR I might add!!) because I know that someday the Lord will help me to be an awesome teacher and change lives. For the record I'm not changing my major.
The Lord carried me back home with one of the most ravishing sunsets I'd ever seen, and as some tears ran down with all kinds of emotions twirling in my heart, not just from the test, I could almost see him pull out his little bottle and catch them one by one.
The Lord is good and continues to win me over with His love. This is my favorite verse right now:
"For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace
the mountains and the hills before you
shall break forth into singing,
and the trees of the field shall clap their hands."
Isaiah 55:12 {ESV}
Thank you for all your prayers, it really means the world to me.
Love and blessings.
PS Some pics from a little shoot I did with my little sister Ximena in Costa Rica. Missing her/it/them a lot.