Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Rejoicing because...
fog has LIFTED and among many awesome things that have been happening, I feel such freedom and joy that I felt I haven't had for a long time.
Even cooler, our house as a whole is getting lit on fire big time by the Holy Spirit and amazing stuff is happening. Last Friday we had an all-nighter in the prayer room in the basement and we stayed up till 4 worshipping and praying and painting and song writing and reading and communing. Holy Spirit came and ministered.
Sunday night, there was another gathering of us girls in the prayer room. A few girls had prompted it to pray for direction for the house and the battle we feel like we're in, and the vision/path we're starting to walk in. It grew into about 8 of us praying individually for each other, praying specifically for each person's giftings and the Lord also bringing much healing and deliverance and freedom! Everyone was speaking prophetic words to each other, and the Spirit came SO thickly. (?)
One girl in particular was really shaken up (in a good way). She had some bonds broken she'd had her whole life, and her tears washed away literally all her makeup which symbolized to her that the Lord had made her clean and pure and new. I've seen dramatic transformation in her just in the last week.
It was a beautiful time and we're having another all nighter this Friday.
Soo thankful for this house and these girls and their desire to press on with me for more things of the Lord and to go deeper and deeper.
Thankful that He has taken away so much man-pleasing spirit and fear and replaced it with boldness, vulnerability, freedom, joy, discernment.

So much more to talk about but I gotta cut it off now! Blessings!

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